NOTIFICATION) If I do not reply to your message, please visit our Discord server and ping @tournicat. HERE IS THE LINK) We have been offering competitive pricing to promote our company. Now, Black Deep Service has gained sig...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 17, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Ex-hangar Complete Service WTS SERVICE



15M UEC per mission

Sold by TourniCat (3)


3 deals

Updated 4 days ago

If I do not reply to your message, please visit our Discord server and ping @tournicat.


We have been offering competitive pricing to promote our company. Now, Black Deep Service has gained significant recognition, and we are receiving continuous requests for our services.

As you may know, we operate as a subsidiary of Black Deep Inc. The headquarters has determined that our promotional efforts have been sufficient and has instructed us to readjust our pricing accordingly. As a result, we have revised our pricing structure.

With this adjustment, we are committed to delivering even more precise and flawless operations.
Thank you.

Black Deep Service's Ex-hangar complete service is live now.

Here is how we work.

Operational Guidelines

1. Black Deep Service initiates a search and occupation operation at Ex-Hangar starting 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time agreed upon with the client.

2. Once the Ex-Hangar is secured, we will notify the client of the expected activation time.

3. Black Deep Service will maintain control of the hangar until the activation time. During this period, we will keep the client updated.

4. Until 20 minutes before the activation time, you are free to wait or do as you wish.

5. When 20 minutes remain, please be on standby at Starlight Station, ready to depart at any moment.

6. When we call you, proceed to Ex-Hangar and retrieve your ship.

7. Before you use ASOP to retrieve your ships, pay the cost.

If you cant retrieve ships any reasons(except bug), We will support your operation until it succeeds. (We have never failed a single mission. We can also handle players who exploit glitches.)

This service costs 15M UEC.

All Compboards will be provided.

You will be assisted by 8 highly trained pilots.

You will receive one random ship and all other loot within the Ex-Hangar.

A cargo ship will be provided for transporting loot.

Free ship delivery service to any location is included.

Random Ship Looting Table List

PYAM F8C Lightning
PYAM F7A MkII Hornet
PYAM Corsair
PYAM Cutlass Black
PYAM Syulen

Service is available on

Monday - Friday 12:00 - 16:00 UTC
Saturday 03:00 - 17:00 UTC
Sunday 03:00 - 15:00 UTC

Reference: 1135

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psihusky Quick, prompt and professional service. Highly recommend TourniCat and Black Deep Service. 2d
liliththerogue No response after almost 3 days 10d
kilanov Super efficient, very clean and quick! 17d

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