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Maximum Profit 3,610 UEC
(412 UEC - 293 UEC) * 30 SCU)
Profit Margin 41 %
((412 UEC - 293 UEC) / 293 UEC) * 100
Maximum Investment 8,888 UEC
Volume 30 SCU
Limited by the amount you can sell

Buy at

Terminal ArcCorp Mining Area 141, Stanton
Faction United Empire of Earth
Stock Level 7
Supply Volume 5760 SCU
Price 293 UEC / SCU
Maximum Container Size 8 SCU
Loading Dock NO
Freight Elevator YES
Quantum Marker YES
Monitored Space YES
Refuel Services YES
Last Update 17 minutes ago

Sell at

Terminal TDD - Trade and Development Division - Cloudview Center - Orison, Stanton
Faction United Empire of Earth
Stock Level 1
Volume Forecasted 30 SCU
Price 412 UEC / SCU
Maximum Container Size 24 SCU
Loading Dock NO
Freight Elevator YES
Quantum Marker YES
Monitored Space YES
Refuel Services YES
Quantum Fuel 1,174 UEC / SCU
Hydrogen Fuel 80 UEC / SCU
Last Update 17 minutes ago

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