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Star Citizen 4.0

New Babbage, Jan 14, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

STARC-143879: The "Transferring to Warehouse" bug persists in certain locations, even in 4.0.1. Stay alert.

Item Buy at CS Inventory SCU SCU-U Investment Sell at CS Inventory SCU-C SCU-U GM ROI Tons Income
IRON Checkmate 8-32 7 20K 6M Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 20K 78 31% 2M 3
IRON Orbituary 8-32 7 20K 6M Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 20K 59 31% 2M 3
IRON Everus Harbor 8-32 7 22K 576 7M Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 22K 14% 950K 1
IRON Pyro Gateway 8-32 7 21K 4.6K 7M Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 21K 11% 768K 3
IRON HDMS-Edmond 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Bezdek 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Anderson 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Woodruff 4-16 7 100 32 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Hadley 4-16 7 100 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Oparei 4-16 1 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Pinewood 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Stanhope 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON HDMS-Thedus 4-16 7 100 32K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 100 15% 5K
IRON Bueno Ravine 1-16 7 40 13K Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 40 59 11% 1K
IRON Shubin SMCa-8 ? 1 0 0 Dudley and Daughters 8-32 1 0 1% 0

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