Dive into the UEX API documentation to grasp its ins and outs. Start building your new application with UEX data

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Retrieve a list of specific parameters that UEX uses for managing prices and updates.

Methods GET
URL https://api.uexcorp.space/2.0/data_parameters
Cache TTL +1 day
Input -
Output // global settings
is_accepting_reports int(1) // indicates if the system accepts community reports
is_accepting_ptu_reports int(1) // indicates if the system accepts PTU reports
is_datacenter_enabled int(1) // Check UEX Data module operational status
game_version string(255) // current LIVE version operated by UEX
game_version_ptu string(255) // current PTU version operated by UEX (if 'is_accepting_ptu_reports' is active)

// 'commodity' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
is_temporary_enabled int(1) // displays temporary commodities on the website
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
scu_variation int(11) // UEX accepted SCU variation limit (up/down)
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'item' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'vehicle_rent' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'vehicle_buy' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated
Update rate Rarely / Patch basis (CIG)
Documentation update: 5 months ago

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