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New Babbage, Sep 10, 2954

Sep 06, 2024: Fixed an issue with 'data_submit' that may have blocked report submissions via third-party apps. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Retrieve a list of all companies in the Star Citizen universe.

Method GET
URL https://uexcorp.space/api/2.0/companies?is_vehicle_manufacturer={int}
Cache TTL +1 day
Input is_item_manufacturer int(1) // show only item manufacturers, such as Apocalypse Arms, Clark... is_vehicle_manufacturer int(1) // show only vehicle manufacturers, such as Anvil, Aegis...
Output id int(11)
id_faction int(11)
name string(255)
nickname string(255)
wiki string(255)
industry string(255) // main activity
is_item_manufacturer int(1)
is_vehicle_manufacturer int(1)
date_added int(11) // timestamp
date_modified int(11) // timestamp
Response status • ok
Update rate Patch cycle (usually)
Documentation update: 3 months ago

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