Dive into the UEX API documentation to grasp its ins and outs. Start building your new application with UEX data

Welcome to UEX

New Babbage, Sep 10, 2954

Sep 06, 2024: Fixed an issue with 'data_submit' that may have blocked report submissions via third-party apps. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Retrieve a list of specific parameters that UEX uses for managing prices and updates.

Methods GET
URL https://uexcorp.space/api/2.0/data_parameters
Cache TTL +1 day
Input -
Output // global settings
is_accepting_reports int(1) // indicates if the system accepts community reports
is_accepting_ptu_reports int(1) // indicates if the system accepts PTU reports
is_datacenter_enabled int(1) // Check UEX Data module operational status
game_version string(255) // current LIVE version operated by UEX
game_version_ptu string(255) // current PTU version operated by UEX (if 'is_accepting_ptu_reports' is active)

// 'commodity' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
is_temporary_enabled int(1) // displays temporary commodities on the website
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
scu_variation int(11) // UEX accepted SCU variation limit (up/down)
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'item' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'vehicle_rent' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated

// 'vehicle_buy' type reports
is_accepted int(1) // indicates acceptance of this report type by the system.
price_variation int(11) // UEX accepted price variation limits (up/down) for buying and selling
ttl int(11) // days until a price is considered outdated
Update rate Rarely / Patch basis (CIG)
Documentation update: 4 days ago

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