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Obtain user fleet vehicles

Method GET
URL https://uexcorp.space/api/2.0/fleet
Authorization Bearer Token
Cache TTL
Input secret_key string(40) // required, should be passed via header
Output id int(11)
id_organization int(11)
id_vehicle int(11)
name string(255) // user vehicle name
serial string(255) // vehicle identification
description string(255) // vehicle lore or description
date_added int(11) // timestamp
organization_name string(255) // if user added vehicle to fleet
model_name string(255) // vehicle model, e.g. Mustang Alpha
is_hidden int(1) // is vehicle hidden from the public
is_pledged int(1) // is vehicle acquired via RSI Pledge Store
Response status • missing_secret_key
• invalid_secret_key
• user_not_found
• user_not_allowed // user banned or disabled by UEX
• ok
Update rate Realtime
Documentation update: 2 months ago

Required as header input

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