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Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 11, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

Item Buy at CS Inventory SCU SCU-U Investment Sell at CS Inventory SCU-C SCU-U GM ROI Tons Income
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M TDD New Babbage 1-32 1 200 96 38 20% 250 208K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M TDD Area 18 1-32 1 200 86 23 19% 250 204K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M TDD Orison 1-32 1 200 412 31 19% 250 197K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M CBD Lorville 1-32 1 200 14 17% 250 176K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Rat's Nest 1-16 2 214 114 16% 250 170K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M ARC-L1 1-32 3 774 197 20 15% 250 163K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M GrimHEX 1-32 1 200 59 31 11% 250 111K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Jackson's Swap 1-16 1 200 12 1734 -1% 250 -11K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Ashland 1-16 1 200 2002 -1% 250 -11K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Canard View 1-16 1 200 2385 -1% 250 -11K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Fallow Field 1-16 1 200 1737 -1% 250 -11K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M The Golden Riviera 1-16 1 200 1626 -1% 250 -11K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M CRU-L4 Locker 1-24
200 27 -6% 250 -63K
GOLD HDMS-Hahn 1-8 7 200 132 1M Samson Son's 1-24 1 200 23 -14% 250 -147K

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