Market Average SCU

Pyro system
CheckmateB 17353B 31121B 6955B 17185B 17780S 3523B 17714B 9497S 20286S 1774S 2177B 18968
Dudley and Daughters
GaslightB 165S 126B 8343S 144S 553B 16522B 30000S 15008B 766B 662B 800S 105B 699S 515
Megumi RefuelingS 670B 20000B 23429S 1320S 616S 22919S 909S 903B 2902S 746B 30000S 1526S 11829B 16660B 800
OrbituaryS 119B 34453B 3336B 18031S 911B 19530S 10780B 22205S 70
Patch CityB 20000B 20000B 568S 70S 448S 124
Rat's NestB 1076S 112B 300S 313B 20000B 637S 141B 177B 508
Rod's Fuel 'N SuppliesB 20000B 300B 600B 20000B 800B 10000B 74000B 600
Ruin StationS 294S 649S 1060B 18356S 437S 1036S 986S 1753B 16697B 4003B 21027B 18171S 473B 27891S 392
Stanton GatewayB 21600B 46800S 10586B 90000B 20902S 4679S 21672
Starlight ServiceB 72S 326B 20000B 20000S 985B 800B 648S 231S 21
AshlandB 144B 170
Bueno RavineS 12B 180B 180B 40B 400B 40
Canard ViewB 91
Chawla's BeachB 8B 240B 240
Fallow FieldB 180B 180
Jackson's Swap
Last LandingsB 10B 121B 90B 170B 240
RustvilleB 10B 240B 90B 162B 240
Sacren's PlotB 180B 150
Seer's CanyonB 172B 82B 240
Shepherd's RestB 360B 180B 20B 90B 20B 10
Sunset MesaB 3B 240
The Golden Riviera
Platinum Stanton GatewayB 100
Scarper's Turn
Stanton system
ARC-L1S 3710S 625S 669S 784B 42
ARC-L2B 852B 51
ARC-L3B 1200B 274B 1200B 75
ARC-L4S 750B 1200B 75
ARC-L5S 649B 1800B 1200B 75
Baijini PointB 46799B 4996S 584B 5000S 23457B 3000B 21600B 12000B 21390B 100000
CRU-L1S 49S 303S 563B 944B 1636S 14B 1196B 33S 1472
CRU-L4B 735S 825S 84B 57
CRU-L5B 204B 1200B 75
Everus HarborS 2495B 46792S 98S 16128B 21279B 2664B 12000B 21591B 8037S 525
GrimHEXS 790S 1112S 140S 273S 97S 245S 5863S 364S 28S 630S 406S 280S 817S 459S 336
HUR-L1S 672S 168S 56S 760B 1200B 66
HUR-L2B 1200B 75
HUR-L3S 4704S 504B 1768B 75
HUR-L4S 651S 988S 3565B 75B 772
HUR-L5B 709B 1200B 75
Area 18 IO TowerB 47
Lorville L19B 75
Magnus GatewayB 20842S 16273B 20954B 5476B 5477B 30000S 4043B 39169S 25100B 9573S 243B 4952S 5082B 224016
MIC-L1B 977B 766S 1012S 1588B 1136B 1B 677
MIC-L2B 1179B 99B 820B 1200B 1
MIC-L3B 1200B 1
MIC-L4B 455S 784B 1200B 1
MIC-L5S 56S 369S 2520B 1178B 1
Port TresslerB 21600S 168B 5008B 21216B 244B 21523B 3000S 147B 89997
Pyro GatewayB 20601B 46800S 3652S 6257B 89920B 21167S 4590S 25964S 2401
SeraphimB 20809B 21026B 4889S 67913B 19640S 7B 20957B 23000S 672B 42292B 22674S 34969B 98000
Terra GatewayS 8887B 435S 672S 784B 180B 21600B 121B 4000B 14432B 21527B 360B 21600B 360S 107B 23040
ArcCorp 045B 4000B 500B 5000B 4000B 75
ArcCorp 048B 4000B 75
ArcCorp 056B 4000B 300B 5000B 437B 4000B 75
ArcCorp 061B 300B 5000B 4000B 75
ArcCorp 141B 13B 10B 17B 58B 29B 157
ArcCorp 157B 16B 1S 101B 160
Brio's Breaker
CBD LorvilleS 7B 64
Deakins ResearchB 100B 80B 100B 100B 200B 200B 200B 200B 200B 200B 200B 75
Devlin ScrapS 280B 301
Dumper's Area 18B 50
Dumper's GrimHEXB 50
HDMS-AndersonB 4000B 16B 100
HDMS-BezdekB 4000B 200B 100B 1000B 8000B 10000
HDMS-EdmondB 36B 180B 126B 100
HDMS-HadleyB 116B 100
HDMS-HahnB 10000B 4000B 8000B 6000B 168B 900B 75
HDMS-LathanB 10000B 4000B 1000B 8000B 10000B 75
HDMS-NorgaardB 10000B 4000B 75
HDMS-OpareiB 36B 180B 126B 100
HDMS-PerlmanB 10000B 4000B 4400B 6000B 800B 75
HDMS-PinewoodB 180S 217B 100
HDMS-RyderB 10000B 4000B 3000B 40S 17500B 12000B 75
HDMS-StanhopeB 180S 208B 100
HDMS-ThedusB 180B 100
HDMS-WoodruffB 4000B 3000S 17500B 12000B 100B 180B 75
Hickes ResearchB 100B 100B 102B 200B 200B 200B 200B 200B 75
CRU-L4 LockerS 70
CRU-L5 MaintenanceS 112
New Babbage MTPB 75
Orison ProvidenceB 4
Platinum ARCL1B 100
Platinum BaijiniB 100
Platinum CRUL1B 100
Platinum CRUL4B 100
Platinum CRUL5B 100
Platinum EverusB 100
Platinum HURL2B 100
Platinum HURL3B 100
Platinum HURL5B 100
Platinum MagnusB 100
Platinum TresslerB 100
Platinum Pyro GatewayB 100
Platinum Bay TerraB 100
Rayari AnvikB 100B 486B 36B 100B 5B 40B 200B 200B 75
Rayari CantwellS 21S 140S 140S 91B 75
Rayari DeltanaB 1579B 74S 17500S 17500B 75
Rayari KaltagB 100B 486B 19B 100B 35B 40B 200B 200B 75
Rayari McGrathS 35S 21S 160B 75
Reclamation OrinthB 132S 277B 1178
DunboroB 1B 1
Pickers FieldB 68B 91
Samson Son's
RappelB 101B 90
Shubin SAL-2B 75
Shubin SAL-5B 5000B 36B 126B 200B 5000B 8000B 100B 75
Shubin SCD-1S 112B 1198B 2299B 407B 5760B 949B 53
Shubin SM0-10B 4000B 3000B 193B 31B 28S 17500B 100B 75
Shubin SM0-13B 4000B 1000B 75
Shubin SM0-18B 10000B 4000B 75
Shubin SM0-22B 10000B 4000B 3000B 40S 17500B 12000B 75
Shubin SMCa-6B 400B 5760B 9999S 17500B 5761B 5760B 75
Shubin SMCa-8B 180B 40B 4001B 5760B 4000B 75
TDD Area 18S 35S 346S 1223S 7S 70S 14S 14S 28
TDD OrisonS 28S 1326S 259S 175S 141S 1068S 70S 336S 4050S 726S 280S 888
TDD New BabbageS 1215S 7S 7S 7S 14
Export as CSV62 commodities, 121 terminals and 566 prices listed