Trending Commodity Trade Routes in Star Citizen

Star Citizen 4.0

New Babbage, Jan 21, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Community Trade Routes

Last 15 Days

STARC-143879: The "Transferring to Warehouse" bug persists in certain locations, even in 4.0.1. Stay alert.

# Commodity Origin System SCU Buy Price Buy Destination System SCU Sell Price Sell Profit Avg Profit / SCU % Traders
1 FFOO Fresh Food ANVIK Rayari Anvik Research Outpost ST Stanton 39 17,596 STAHN HDMS-Stanhope ST Stanton 59 21,532 152K 4782 18.9%
2 MEDS Medical Supplies TERRA Admin - Terra Gateway ST Stanton 303 2,256 HURL4 Admin - HUR-L4 ST Stanton 350 2,857 182K 604 14.6%
3 TARA Taranite WOODR HDMS-Woodruff ST Stanton 47 7,566 TDORI TDD - Trade and Development Division - Cloudview Center - Orison ST Stanton 126 9,779 105K 2702 13.2%
4 MEDS Medical Supplies TERRA Admin - Terra Gateway ST Stanton 640 2,256 HURL3 Admin - HUR-L3 ST Stanton 640 2,871 394K 616 7.3%
5 XAPY Xa'Pyen RATSN Admin - Rat's Nest PY Pyro 64 1,877 STARL Admin - Starlight Service PY Pyro 100 2,513 41K 647 3.9%
6 GOLD Gold ARCL3 Admin - ARC-L3 ST Stanton 144 5,437 ARCL1 Admin - ARC-L1 ST Stanton 90 6,316 79K 657 3.7%
7 GOLD Gold CRUL5 Admin - CRU-L5 ST Stanton 219 5,313 ARCL1 Admin - ARC-L1 ST Stanton 108 6,323 109K 1177 3.4%
8 SCRA Scrap SERAP Admin - Seraphim ST Stanton 3554 1,418 MAGNU Admin - Magnus Gateway ST Stanton 1279 1,791 478K 458 3.1%
9 GOLD Gold RODSF Admin - Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies PY Pyro 72 4,888 TDA18 TDD - Trade and Development Division - Area 18 ST Stanton 87 6,295 101K 1693 2.5%
10 FOAM Thermalfoam DEAKI Deakins Research ST Stanton 95 2,634 CRUL1 Admin - CRU-L1 ST Stanton 89 3,369 66K 691 2.3%
11 MEDS Medical Supplies TERRA Admin - Terra Gateway ST Stanton 640 2,257 ARCL1 Admin - ARC-L1 ST Stanton 552 2,772 284K 516 2%
12 XAPY Xa'Pyen HURL4 Admin - HUR-L4 ST Stanton 262 2,141 ARCL3 Admin - ARC-L3 ST Stanton 396 2,680 141K 485 2%
13 STIM Stims RODSF Admin - Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies PY Pyro 224 2,164 ARCL1 Admin - ARC-L1 ST Stanton 213 2,964 171K 770 2%
14 OMPO Omnapoxy PATCH Admin - Patch City PY Pyro 181 1,987 RATSN Admin - Rat's Nest PY Pyro 106 2,398 43K 429 1.7%
15 MEDS Medical Supplies TERRA Admin - Terra Gateway ST Stanton 512 2,257 HURL5 Admin - HUR-L5 ST Stanton 503 2,843 295K 513 1.7%
16 NITR Nitrogen HURL3 Admin - HUR-L3 ST Stanton 538 1,064 CRUL4 Admin - CRU-L4 ST Stanton 614 1,437 200K 375 1.7%
17 NITR Nitrogen CRUL1 Admin - CRU-L1 ST Stanton 576 1,069 ARCL2 Admin - ARC-L2 ST Stanton 576 1,438 212K 375 1.4%
18 CMAT Construction Materials MICL4 Admin - MIC-L4 ST Stanton 212 1,650 HURL1 Admin - HUR-L1 ST Stanton 272 2,415 162K 630 1.4%
19 HEPH Hephaestanite TERRA Admin - Terra Gateway ST Stanton 530 2,181 TDA18 TDD - Trade and Development Division - Area 18 ST Stanton 530 2,635 241K 369 1.4%
20 MEDS Medical Supplies MICL1 Admin - MIC-L1 ST Stanton 600 2,293 HURL4 Admin - HUR-L4 ST Stanton 628 2,835 325K 564 1.4%
21 STIM Stims STARL Admin - Starlight Service PY Pyro 57 2,012 PATCH Admin - Patch City PY Pyro 108 2,651 36K 669 1.1%
22 FOAM Thermalfoam HICKE Hickes Research Outpost ST Stanton 173 2,666 CRUL1 Admin - CRU-L1 ST Stanton 31 3,369 22K 679 1.1%
23 XAPY Xa'Pyen MICL1 Admin - MIC-L1 ST Stanton 221 2,193 HURL5 Admin - HUR-L5 ST Stanton 186 2,678 90K 443 1.1%
24 NITR Nitrogen STARL Admin - Starlight Service PY Pyro 297 1,028 MICL5 Admin - MIC-L5 ST Stanton 327 1,585 165K 541 1.1%
25 STIM Stims GASLI Admin - Gaslight PY Pyro 216 2,141 MAGNU Admin - Magnus Gateway ST Stanton 117 3,105 113K 935 1.1%
26 COBA Cobalt STARL Admin - Starlight Service PY Pyro 60 7,710 RODSF Admin - Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies PY Pyro 120 8,875 70K 1367 1.1%
27 PICE Pressurized Ice STANT Admin - Stanton Gateway PY Pyro 3725 593 BAIJI Admin - Baijini Point ST Stanton 3725 772 665K 222 1.1%
28 ALUM Aluminum PYROG Admin - Pyro Gateway ST Stanton 2091 257 EVERU Admin - Everus Harbor ST Stanton 3200 322 135K 63 0.8%
29 ASTA Astatine ARCL3 Admin - ARC-L3 ST Stanton 164 1,267 ARCL1 Admin - ARC-L1 ST Stanton 138 1,715 62K 445 0.8%
30 DIAM Diamond RATSN Admin - Rat's Nest PY Pyro 59 4,519 ARCL5 Admin - ARC-L5 ST Stanton 128 5,868 79K 1468 0.8%
30 route(s) found Export as CSV

Obtained from user trade logs. Please note that this report may differ slightly from the 'Most Traded Commodities' report on the commodities homepage due to applied restrictions, such as route limitations per user. The SCU amounts and prices may not fully reflect current conditions on live servers, as they are based on user-provided data.

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