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Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 18, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

There are reports that freight elevators at outposts aren't working at many locations again. We recommend checking for working elevators before buying/trading commodities.

Item Buy at CS Inventory SCU SCU-U Investment Sell at CS Inventory SCU-C SCU-U GM ROI Tons Income
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Gaslight 1-8 1 180 4 20% 270K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Jackson's Swap 1-8 1 180 35 17% 240K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Canard View 1-8 1 180 101 17% 240K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies 1-8 1 180 55 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Patch City 1-8 1 180 37 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Starlight Service 1-8 1 180 50 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Endgame 1-8 1 180 56 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Rat's Nest 1-8 1 180 52 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M Dudley and Daughters 1-8 1 180 60 14% 195K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M CBD Lorville 1-32 1 180 2002 8% 116K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M TDD Area 18 1-32 1 180 1910 8% 116K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M TDD New Babbage 1-32 1 180 2272 8% 116K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M TDD Orison 1-32 1 180 1880 8% 116K
CSIL Sacren's Plot 1-8 7 180 1M GrimHEX 1-32 1 180 1880 3% 37K
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Ruin Station 1-32 1 0 101 8% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Jackson's Swap 1-4 1 0 35 21% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Gaslight 1-32 1 0 4 15% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Rat's Nest 1-32 1 0 52 15% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Dudley and Daughters 1-32 1 0 60 15% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Bueno Ravine 1-4 1 0 52 27% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 GrimHEX 1-32 1 0 1880 2% 0
PRTL Sacren's Plot 1-8 1 0 0 Canard View 1-4 1 0 101 21% 0
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Terra Mills 1-16 1 3 8 1880 -3% -1K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Seer's Canyon 1-16 1 3 -6% -2K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Rat's Nest 1-32 1 3 52 -9% -3K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Ashland 1-16 1 3 -10% -4K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Last Landings 1-16
3 101 -10% -4K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Rustville 1-16
3 41 -10% -4K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Fallow Field 1-16 1 3 -10% -4K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K The Golden Riviera 1-16 1 3 52 -10% -4K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies 1-32 1 3 55 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Patch City 1-32 1 3 37 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Endgame 1-32 1 3 56 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Gaslight 1-32 1 3 4 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Dudley and Daughters 1-32 1 3 60 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Starlight Service 1-32 3 131 50 -13% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K TDD Orison 1-32 2 13K 30 1880 -14% -5K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Ruin Station 1-32 1 3 101 -22% -8K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K GrimHEX 1-32 1 3 1880 -23% -8K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K CBD Lorville 1-32 1 3 2002 -29% -11K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K TDD Area 18 1-32 1 224 1910 -29% -11K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K TDD New Babbage 1-32 1 3 18 2272 -29% -11K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Reclamation Orinth 1-24 1 3 2002 -30% -11K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K CRU-L5 Maintenance 1-24 1 3 -33% -12K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Brio's Breaker 1-24 1 3 1880 -35% -13K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Samson Son's 1-24 1 3 1910 -38% -14K
RMC Sacren's Plot 1-8 2 3 36K Devlin Scrap 1-24 1 3 2272 -38% -14K

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