Star Citizen Commodities List, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability, Routes

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New Babbage, Sep 7, 2954


Market Supply and Demand Averages *

Last 30 days, Negotiables Only

Commodity Buy (SCU) Sell (SCU)
Name Avg Inventory Avg / Location Total SCU Locations Avg Inventory Avg / Location Total SCU Locations
Agricium 117 2K 4 301 903 8
Agricultural Supplies 7K 400K 15 9
Aluminum 4K 270K 20 869 3K 7
Astatine 2K 50K 8 245 3K 17
Audio Visual Equipment 10K 10K 16K 905K 8
Beryl 14K 492K 9 4K 33K 6
Chlorine 6K 145K 7 3K 3K 16
Copper 9K 230K 5 2K 12K 12
Corundum 9K 246K 7 122 490 7
Diamond 857 22K 8 2K 10K 5
Distilled Spirits 6K 75K 2 826 23K 70
Fluorine 12K 319K 6 14K 84K 15
Gasping Weevil Eggs
63 63 4
Gold 267 4K 2 714 10K 7
Helium 25K 172K 1 19K 680K 18
Hephaestanite 30K 487K 3 3K 52K 9
Hydrogen 14K 490K 8 9K 9K 28
Iodine 5K 87K 4 7 7 12
Iron 45K 758K 4 304 4K 14
Laranite 627 8K 3 278 1K 4
Medical Supplies 5K 104K 6 264 22K 65
Nitrogen 1 1
Party Favors
18K 2M 22
Pressurized Ice
Processed Food 88K 1M 2 2K 22K 70
Quartz 6K 133K 6 1K 4K 5
Recycled Material Composite 1K 98K 19 12K 314K 10
Scrap 11K 2M 25 2K 13K 22
SLAM 8 17 14 28 5
Stims 2K 34K 4 465 4K 69
Titanium 8K 126K 5 198 991 7
Tungsten 4K 181K 11 91 273 7
Waste 12K 4M 67 6
34 commodities Export as CSV

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