Star Citizen Commodities Info, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability

Star Citizen 4.0

New Babbage, Jan 23, 2955 — Welcome to UEX



Simulating Full Load Investment and Profit per Vehicle1

Vehicle Capacity Investment (UEC) Profit / Loss (UEC)
Model SCU Average Minimum Maximum Average Worst Best
Hull E 98304 10M 10M 10M 3M 2M 4M
Hull D 20736 2M 2M 2M 610K 332K 892K
Javelin 5400 569K 535K 572K 159K 86K 232K
Hull C 4608 486K 456K 488K 136K 74K 198K
Kraken 3792 400K 375K 402K 112K 61K 163K
Merchantman 2880 303K 285K 305K 85K 46K 124K
Ironclad 1536 162K 152K 163K 45K 25K 66K
Ironclad Assault 1152 121K 114K 122K 34K 18K 50K
Pioneer 1000 105K 99K 106K 29K 16K 43K
Idris-P 995 105K 99K 105K 29K 16K 43K
Idris-M 831 88K 82K 88K 24K 13K 36K
Kraken Privateer 768 81K 76K 81K 23K 12K 33K
C2 Hercules Starlifter 696 73K 69K 74K 20K 11K 30K
Arrastra 576 61K 57K 61K 17K 9K 25K
Caterpillar 576 61K 57K 61K 17K 9K 25K
Caterpillar Best In Show Edition 576 61K 57K 61K 17K 9K 25K
Caterpillar Pirate Edition 576 61K 57K 61K 17K 9K 25K
Polaris 576 61K 57K 61K 17K 9K 25K
M2 Hercules Starlifter 522 55K 52K 55K 15K 8K 22K
Endeavor 500 53K 50K 53K 15K 8K 22K
890 Jump 460 48K 46K 49K 14K 7K 20K
Carrack 456 48K 45K 48K 13K 7K 20K
Carrack Expedition 456 48K 45K 48K 13K 7K 20K
Reclaimer 420 44K 42K 45K 12K 7K 18K
Liberator 400 42K 40K 42K 12K 6K 17K
Hull B 384 40K 38K 41K 11K 6K 17K
Orion 384 40K 38K 41K 11K 6K 17K
Railen 320 34K 32K 34K 9K 5K 14K
Genesis Starliner 300 32K 30K 32K 9K 5K 13K
Starfarer 291 31K 29K 31K 9K 5K 13K
Starfarer Gemini 291 31K 29K 31K 9K 5K 13K
Odyssey 252 27K 25K 27K 7K 4K 11K
A2 Hercules Starlifter 234 25K 23K 25K 7K 4K 10K
Crucible 230 24K 23K 24K 7K 4K 10K
Starlancer MAX 224 24K 22K 24K 7K 4K 10K
Reclaimer Best In Show Edition 180 19K 18K 19K 5K 3K 8K
Constellation Taurus 174 18K 17K 18K 5K 3K 7K
Zeus Mk II CL 128 13K 13K 14K 4K 2K 6K
Freelancer MAX 120 13K 12K 13K 4K 2K 5K
Mercury Star Runner 114 12K 11K 12K 3K 2K 5K
Constellation Andromeda 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
Constellation Aquila 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
MOLE 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
MOLE Carbon Edition 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
MOLE Talus Edition 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
RAFT 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
Starlancer TAC 96 10K 10K 10K 3K 2K 4K
Constellation Phoenix 80 8K 8K 8K 2K 1K 3K
Constellation Phoenix Emerald 80 8K 8K 8K 2K 1K 3K
Retaliator 74 8K 7K 8K 2K 1K 3K
Corsair 72 8K 7K 8K 2K 1K 3K
Freelancer 66 7K 7K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Expanse 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Galaxy 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Hull A 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Nautilus 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Nautilus Solstice Edition 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
C1 Spirit 64 7K 6K 7K 2K 1K 3K
Perseus 50 5K 5K 5K 1K 800 2K
Cutlass Black 46 5K 5K 5K 1K 736 2K
Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition 46 5K 5K 5K 1K 736 2K
400i 42 4K 4K 4K 1K 672 2K
600i Executive Edition 40 4K 4K 4K 1K 640 2K
600i Explorer 40 4K 4K 4K 1K 640 2K
Hammerhead 40 4K 4K 4K 1K 640 2K
Hammerhead Best In Show Edition 40 4K 4K 4K 1K 640 2K
Freelancer DUR 36 4K 4K 4K 1K 576 2K
Freelancer MIS 36 4K 4K 4K 1K 576 2K
Prospector 32 3K 3K 3K 942 512 1K
Zeus Mk II ES 32 3K 3K 3K 942 512 1K
Valkyrie 30 3K 3K 3K 883 480 1K
Valkyrie Liberator Edition 30 3K 3K 3K 883 480 1K
Apollo Medivac 28 3K 3K 3K 824 448 1K
Apollo Triage 28 3K 3K 3K 824 448 1K
Nomad 24 3K 2K 3K 706 384 1K
600i Touring 16 2K 2K 2K 471 256 688
Zeus Mk II MR 16 2K 2K 2K 471 256 688
MPUV-1T 16 2K 2K 2K 471 256 688
MPUV Tractor 16 2K 2K 2K 471 256 688
315p 12 1K 1K 1K 353 192 516
Cutlass Blue 12 1K 1K 1K 353 192 516
Cutlass Red 12 1K 1K 1K 353 192 516
Vulture 12 1K 1K 1K 353 192 516
SRV 10 1K 990 1K 294 160 430
300i 8 843 792 848 235 128 344
Avenger Titan 8 843 792 848 235 128 344
Avenger Titan Renegade 8 843 792 848 235 128 344
Intrepid 8 843 792 848 235 128 344
135c 6 632 594 636 177 96 258
Aurora CL 6 632 594 636 177 96 258
Reliant Kore 6 632 594 636 177 96 258
Syulen 6 632 594 636 177 96 258
325a 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
350r 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
C8 Pisces 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
C8X Pisces Expedition 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
Cutter 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
Mustang Alpha 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
Mustang Alpha Vindicator 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
CSV-SM 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
CSV-FM 4 421 396 424 118 64 172
Aurora ES 3 316 297 318 88 48 129
Aurora LN 3 316 297 318 88 48 129
Aurora LX 3 316 297 318 88 48 129
Aurora MR 3 316 297 318 88 48 129
100i 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
125a 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Cutter Scout 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Cutter Rambler 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
MPUV-1C 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
MULE 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Redeemer 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Reliant Sen 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Ursa 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Ursa Fortuna 2 211 198 212 59 32 86
Cyclone 1 105 99 106 29 16 43
Reliant Tana 1 105 99 106 29 16 43
117 vehicle(s) found

Values are estimated.

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