Star Citizen Commodities Info, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability

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Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 26, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


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Demand Locations — Last 15 Days

There are reports that freight elevators at outposts aren't working at many locations again. We recommend checking for working elevators before buying/trading commodities.

Location Region SCU Inventory UEC CS
Name Orbit System Faction Last Users Avg Min Max Average Last Users Avg Min Max SCU
Baijini Point ArcCorp Stanton ARC ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1365 1365 1365 1365 1-32 3d
Port Tressler MicroTech Stanton MIC ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1365 1365 1365 1365 1-32 3d
MIC-L5 microTech Lagrange Point 5 Stanton MICL5 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1293 1293 1293 1293 1-32 7h
MIC-L2 microTech Lagrange Point 2 Stanton MICL2 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1293 1292 1292 1293 1-32 22h
MIC-L1 microTech Lagrange Point 1 Stanton MICL1 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1292 1292 1292 1292 1-32 3d
MIC-L4 microTech Lagrange Point 4 Stanton MICL4 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1292 1292 1292 1292 1-32 3d
MIC-L3 microTech Lagrange Point 3 Stanton MICL3 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1292 1292 1292 1292 1-32 10d
HUR-L1 Hurston Lagrange Point 1 Stanton HURL1 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1280 1280 1280 1280 1-32 4d
HUR-L2 Hurston Lagrange Point 2 Stanton HURL2 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1280 1280 1280 1280 1-32 6d
ARC-L1 ArcCorp Lagrange Point 1 Stanton ARCL1 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1267 1267 1267 1267 1-32 6d
ARC-L2 ArcCorp Lagrange Point 2 Stanton ARCL2 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1267 1267 1267 1267 1-32 8d
ARC-L4 ArcCorp Lagrange Point 4 Stanton ARCL4 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1267 1267 1267 1267 1-32 7d
CRU-L1 Crusader Lagrange Point 1 Stanton CRUL1 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1266 1267 1266 1267 1-32 4d
ARC-L5 ArcCorp Lagrange Point 5 Stanton ARCL5 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1266 1266 1266 1266 1-32 4d
ARC-L3 ArcCorp Lagrange Point 3 Stanton ARCL3 ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1226 1226 1226 1226 1-32 3d
CBD Lorville Hurston Stanton HUR ST UEE 0 0 0 0 1 1040 1040 1040 1040 1-32 9d
TDD Area 18 ArcCorp Stanton ARC ST UEE 0 0 0 0 1 1039 1040 1039 1040 1-32 10d
TDD New Babbage MicroTech Stanton MIC ST UEE 0 0 0 0 1 1039 1039 1039 1039 1-32 4d
TDD Orison Crusader Stanton CRU ST UEE 0 0 0 0 1 1039 1039 1039 1039 1-32 6h
GrimHEX Crusader Stanton CRU ST 9 Tails 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 1023 1023 1023 1023 1-32 14d
Brio's Breaker Crusader Stanton CRU ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 910 910 910 910 1-24 6d
Devlin Scrap MicroTech Stanton MIC ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 910 910 910 910 1-24 6d
Reclamation Orinth Hurston Stanton HUR ST UEE 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 4 910 910 910 910 1-24 2d
23 location(s) Averages 17.5K 0 17.5K 17.5K 17.5K 3 1184 0 1184 1183 1184

Averages in the last 15 days
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